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Learn SEO for free, but you can go further

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:12 pm
by hasnasadia
If I haven't convinced you to learn SEO on your own, I'll tell you a secret: "Among other in-person and online SEO courses that I have taken, this (the Wontalia SEO course) is one of the ones I liked the most" I leave you these 2 videos of 2 exceptional SEOs. There are 2 interviews with Alicia Senovilla within the TV Marketing project that she has together with Aula CM: Interview with Aleyda Solis: Interview with Fernando Maciá If, while you are learning positioning, you need an SEO agency in Madrid to carry out the positioning of your online project, you can contact us . If you want to add more information in the comments for those who want to study how to position web pages without having to invest money, we will all be grateful.Everything that I am going to explain to you in this post corresponds to the moment of publishing the articles on the blog within the SEO strategy through content marketing .

Thanks to these actions we will be able to position the blog posts and we will also ensure that these posts help to position other articles or other urls (products, e-commerce categories, etc...). Within the entire scope of web positioning, these tasks are preceded and subject to content management, the precise Email List implementation of an editorial calendar and correct Keyword Research . Contents 1.URL 1.1. Include keyword 1.2. URL Length 1.3. Do not include “stop words” 1.4. URL Prominence 2. Meta Title 2.1. Meta title length 2.2. Capital letter in the 1st letter of each important word 23. Kw Prominence 2.4. Multiple keywords 3. Meta Description 3.1. Length or size 3.2. Give good information 4. Headings 4.1. Summarize the content that will come later 4.2. The H1 may be different from the meta title 4.3. Only 1 h1 in each post 4.4. The h1 encourages you to continue reading 4.4. Variations of the main keyword in subheadings 4.5.


They will "sell" our content to the reader 4.6. “Table of Contents” Plugin 5. Paragraphs 5.1. First paragraph 5.2. Last paragraph 5.3. Bold 5.4. Italics 5.5. Item Listings 5.6. Paragraph size 5.7. Internal/external and incoming/outgoing linking 5.8. Interleave images 5.9. Audiovisual elements 6. Featured Image 6.1. Template 6.2. We include the keyword in the image 7. Categories and tags 7.2. Related posts 7.3. Customize the sidebar 7.4. Tags 8. Internal linking 8.1. Incoming internal link: 8.2. Outgoing internal link: 8.3. How to locate old posts that should link to the new one 1.URL 1.1. Include keyword It has always been said that the url is a positioning factor and Google has recognized it as such, so we will have to include the keyword that we want to rank in it.