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5 basic components of any brand with personality

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:37 pm
by Tamanna
There are billions of brands out there and you want yours to stand out. But how to get it? How to make your voice heard among the noise on the Internet and make customers prefer you? Think about it a little. Who are the people who have impacted you the most? Those that maybe you only talked to once and you still remember them? You probably remember them not for what they said, but for how they made you feel. Maybe you also remember them because of their attractiveness, which caught your eye right away. A brand has to be the same. Not only appearance matters, but above all personality. If you want to stand out with your business, you have to create a brand that has personality, so that it stands out from the others. But let's first look at what exactly a brand is because the concept can sometimes be a bit fuzzy.

Free copywriting guide The brand concept The traditional definition of a brand in the RAE dictionary says: “Sign that is made or placed on someone or something, to distinguish them, or to denote quality or belonging.” But you and I know that a brand goes much further. In the book Read Me, 10 Lessons for Writing Phone Number List Great Copy , Horberry and Lingwood define branding this way: “Brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolized by a registered trademark, which if managed properly, can create value and influence the public.” A brand can be a product but also a place. For example, advertising campaigns that are carried out about a place to encourage tourism also try to create a brand.


As Castilla La Mancha did with the famous campaign with Tamara Falcó as the protagonist. A brand is above all a PROMISE. The promise that by buying that product, going to that place, hiring that service, your life will improve. 5 basic components of any That promise, if you truly deliver on what you promise, will turn into experience and help you sell even more with the positive reviews that customers will leave. "Red Bull gives you wings" "Rexona does not abandon you" “Evax, fine and safe” Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and the richest man on earth, defines brand this way: “A company's brand is like a person's reputation. You earn your reputation by trying to do things right.” Therefore, the company is not the true owner of the brand, in the end the public is the one who owns that brand and who makes it their own. Copywriting to create a brand personality One of the most difficult but most rewarding tasks for a copywriter is to help create a brand.